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August 20

Written September 16


Dear Friends and Families,


Part of a diary is remembering neighbors, old and new. This month we managed to see a few.


First, we managed a quick visit back to Frankfurt, our old hometown. Seeing the Romerplatz town square and the Kleinmarkt food stalls felt like visits to old neighbors. We had enjoyed our three years in Frankfurt and have pleasant memories of wandering through here on Saturday mornings.


  Next, we saw some real old neighbors. (real neighbors, NOT real old!!!) Gert and Giesella had rented Marianne her apartment last year, up near Giessen, and they had invited us back for a weekend. We enjoyed seeing the Sommersmuehle farm again but the highlight was sharing some time with friends.  

Back home in Pommersfelden, we've been helping celebrate the opening of a new neighbor, the Kellerhaus Cafe. This is a new high spot in town, literally and, we hope, figuratively. It is a wonderful town addition by William and Rosemarie Hofmann and we are proud to call the Hofmann families friends and neighbors. Parents Albrecht and Betti Hofmann are the senior family members and the two sons, William and Friedrich, along with their wives Rosie and Rosie have shown us the best of Franconia hospitality.

  August was a good month for neighbors. Thanks to an introduction by the Hofmanns at the Kellerhaus cafe, we've met new folks from the Höchstad, a neighboring village. Teresa and Helmut are both retired teachers, she from the DODDS schools that Marianne just left and he from the Bavarian school system. Teresa came to Bavaria thirty or forty years ago and still loves it. That's a positive sign!  

Teresa and Helmut invited us to the Höchstad summer festival and we had a good time hanging out with REAL old-timers. No, no, I'm not emphasizing age, just that Helmut and Teresa have been part of Höchstad for so long that half the crowd said "Gruss Gott", the standard Bavarian greeting. Helmut's brother Aloysius, a retired priest, was a lively addition to our little bunch and, yes, the pretzel really was that big.


  We managed to eat bratwurst from a smoky grill and enjoy the entertainment, everything from a lilting dulcimer to a raucous show that did in fact end when the fat lady had sung.  


So, that's our little neighborhoods, past and present.


John and Marianne

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