Easter - Mostly

April 9-14, 2023

Dear Family, Friends, and Diary,

bunneyAnother ten days, quiet, as it normally is with us seniors in Fresno. We had hoped to have an Easter weekend with Gabby and the kids, but that only worked out in half. I came down with a cold and we decided spreading disease was not in the holiday spirit. Marianne went and I stayed home and sniffled. (I should have gotten some pictures for her part of the story. Maybe later.)

Once I was feeling a little better, I walked the neighborhood and enjoyed the new crop of flowers. Color for this diary.

flowers close
tiger yellow red

cambridgecambrudge2Our Cambridge Avenue neighborhood is getting a bit more active as the weather warms up enough to sit outside. There was a small gathering on "The Commons" on Easter, a pretty low key holiday celebration, but one that seemed to fit with folks. Overall, it's a low key neighborhood.

ZoomOn the 14th, we got together for the Friday family Zoom and a gaming session. We all agreed that we are immune to getting more skilled, but seeing the Colorado and Maryland family is always worth the struggle.

We had also had a Cousin's Zoom the previous Saturday, but I forgot to get a screenshot so, without a picture, it almost didn't happen. The monthly event has become a welcome part of our lives, something good coming from pandemic practices.

mapMuch of the rest of our time has been spent planning travel, another great western road-trip. We had stops set for Yuma, Tuscon, El Paso, Albuquerque, Taos, Colorado Springs, and a Longmont birthday for Brian. Then home via Green River, Utah, and Las Vegas. It would have been over 3,000 miles in our electric chariot.

However, at the last minute, our room-elephant trumpeted. A small spot on Marianne's original mastectomy scar had showed up a few weeks ago and she had had it biopsied. Cancer results came back a couple days ago. It will be another week before we meet with the oncologist to learn what the recommended treatment will entail.

Plans change. We will head off to Mendocino for a short stay on the coast. Stay tuned.

John and Marianne