An 80th Party

May 19, 2024

Dear Family, Friends, and Diary,

Once in a while we have an occasion, one that merits dressing up and another try at a selfie. These always seem so selfish, but I guess that is in the name. So, what was the occasion?

It was friend Tari Prinster's 80th birthday party, held around the pool at her her charming mid-century home. The party held all the required elements:

balloons; live music; fancy cake

pool sign piano cake

Then there were drinks and conversations, some with neighborhood friends and some with a few of Tari's oldest friends. A few photos, some mine, but mostly borrowed from others. There seemed to be iPhone cameras everywhere, documenting the event. As they should have.:

gloris etc Geri Jon Annie and us
Brad Jeanne Tari and friend

From chatting, we moved on to a buffet served by Moto, our neighborhood bistro. The food was topped off by a cake, served by the youngest guests, a nice touch.

Then it was time for speeches. Tari warrants speeches. She may be one of our only friends who shows up when "Googled". (Try it.) She is a Yoga Master, with a foundation and a book: "Yoga for Cancer". Marianne and Tari became friends in 2019, at a most appropriate time. With words from family and long-standing friends, we all learned again of a dynamic person in our presence. Nice, and gracious to boot.

Ethan Jack Josie
Tari Tari 3Tari too

With that, Marianne and I headed out, before the poolside dancing started up. We do have our stamina limits and I think I had gotten tired just from listening to all that our slightly-older friend does and has done. I was encouraged by her announcement that "80 is the new 50". She's wise, so it must be true.


John and Marianne