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Can't Find a Theme

October 2, 1999

Dear Diary, (what a line!)

I feel like writing, still wanting to stay in touch, but we're pretty much into routine. We invited a few guys and gals over for beer a couple weeks ago. Rowdy bunch and they kept singing -- in Ukrainian. Fortunately we had rented the nearby hall so things weren't too crowded.

It's October already and the weather here remains great. We know this is just some sort of feint before the real Fall/Winter takes over but we enjoy it anyway. We just went on a lovely three hour stroll to and from breakfast. I have to admit that the prospect of real changes of seasons makes the good seasons even better. In California, we took sunny walks for granted but here we recognize them as treats.

Of course that long walk , even if it includes breakfast, works up an appetite so Marianne picked up our standard loaf of bread and had a bite. Our walk was productive too as we dropped by a new butcher shop. You've probably seen enough of these non-Safeway shots but there may be some new Diary subscribers who are not completely familiarized with stores here.

We did another day-trip down to the city of Odessa. Here's Marianne getting ready for the overnight journey. We were playing tour guide to a bunch of new teachers and it was a lot of laughs. After one year, we are the veterans. Kind of like the one-eyed man in the land of the blind. But it was good fun anyway and we got to visit the Odessa Art Museum. I've been here too long because I'm developing a taste for Soviet art. Nothing subtle or understated here. I'd like to get a good example of this but I don't know where. It seems that only museums have such work. Only old museums at that.

I've had a series of work-related visitors and we enjoy that. It gives us an excuse to do more touring and looking around. And have more church pictures. Not much else in the way of picture shows yet since I think we'll try to put together a separate "theme-based" set of mail sometime. At least that's the plan.

Speaking of plans, we now have a sufficient response to our earlier survey to confirm that people really just want email, medium-sized pictures, whenever we want to send them. Interestingly, a majority of people, not just my Luddite cousin Kim, said they would NOT use a website. Just as well since I ran out of time to put something together and this gives me a reason to delay.

Well, take care and do stay in touch. Even if it's just a quick response to say you are or are not alive. We'll take note in either case.


John and Marianne.

















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