The Wedding
August 6 , 2004
(written Sept. 26)
Dear Families and Friends,
The highlight of this summer was son Geoff's wedding. He and Suzanne, aided (or more?) by Suzanne's mom, prepared a wonderful combination of family and formality, of the traditional and not-quite so traditional. Of course, as a traditional father, I took hundreds of pictures, most of which may never see the light of day, but you are welcome to visit the following photo albums.
Friday Rehearsal and Baseball Game
And, if you want to see the rest of our summer, check out our previous two or three diaries.
Finally, if you want to know what we are doing NOW -- just wait. I've run out of time ... again.
Best regards and stay in touch,
John and Marianne
ps: I am making a bit of a change and assuming that folks have relatively high-speed connections. The wedding series has no "thumbnails" but rather just regularly-viewable size (maximum 800 pixels wide or high). Send a note if this approach is significantly better or worse.