Internationale Automobil-Ausstellung (IAA)
September 24 Written September 27 Dear Friends and Family,
I went to the biggest car show in the world, the Internationale Automobile-Ausstellung or IAA or, in English: The Frankfurt Auto Show. I went on the busiest day of the two-week Frankfurt event. I went to snap a few pictures. I went to see cars and car people. In the end, I was overwhelmed by taking car pictures, by cars, by car pieces, by car people and ultimately by the overall size of the operation. Some background: IAA was first held in a Berlin hotel in 1897 and showed 8 vehicles. Nowadays, IAA is so large, it is actually split into two shows: commercial vehicles are shown in Hanover in even years and domestic automobiles are shown, in the largest car show in the world, in the fall of every odd year. In 2009, despite the economic downturn of the time, 850,000 people attended, well over the population of Frankfurt itself. I like cars, I like trade shows, and I like taking pictures, so it seemed like a good idea to spend a Saturday taking car pictures. I took a quick subway ride from my Offenbach hotel (see last diary) and joined the crowds from the S-Bahn exit. Over the next four or five hours, I wandered through about half of the displays, and was exhausted at the end. I missed the big names, Mercedes, Audi, Ferrari, and others, but I had fun. My favorite part? The suppliers. IAA is primarily an auto industry show and many days are even closed to the retail public. Surrounding all the name brands are hundreds of smaller companies, displaying the key roles they have in the modern auto industry. I'll admit that I didn't recognize most of the names, but they were clearly engineers and businessmen proud of their niche. As for my pictures, I'll admit these may not be my best. After the first hour, I was hemmed in by crowds in almost every venue. But, I did take LOTS of photos nonetheless. No obligation to look at more than a few. If you want to go to IAA 2013, make hotel reservations today.
IAA website - map : |