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The Drive Back to Pommersfelden

April 24
Written April 29
Dear Friends and Family,

Tuesday arrived gray and dreary, just right for leaving, I suppose.  We checked out with Frau Laussegger, including paying a $140 (105 euros) electric bill for 400 killowatt-hours.  I don't think I'd like to have all-electric heat during the really cold weather!

The road started under clouds, but cleared some as we crossed Austria.  Along the entire passage, we were surrounded by rugged and dramatic mountains.  The trip provided both good memories and ideas to come back again, especially when the weather might cooperate more.
Back "home" in Bavaria, the rain started and the wind was blowing.  We stopped at a Chimsee lake-side / roadside restaurant for lunch and noticed by the empty tables that we were still traveling off-season.
Six hours aftere leaving Wahaha, we were back home in Pommersfelden.  It was nice to get settled in our space, at least for a few hours.  We would leave early the following morning for work and an art exhibition in Offenbach.  Another story.


John and Marianne
ps: Track home:track home


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