November 16 written November 17
Dear Friends and Families,
In a week that
included a hospital stay, transfer of our favorite car, painting sales,
a neighbor dinner, and more prepare-to-move list-making than ever, the
highight had to be our going away party up at the Kellehaus Cafe.
We had invited a mix of forty or so Pommersfelden neighbors, Marianne's
art friends, and my former work colleagues.
I feel each invitee needs a story, but I'll admit that the press of time prevents memorializing much more than pictures.
So, for coming to join us on our bitter-sweet afternoon, we'd like to
thank Wille, Rosemarie, Axel, Annegreth, Vanessa, Christiane, Thomas,
Hermine, Georg, Suzanne, Marilyn, Dieter, Dale, Peter, Harald, Winnie, Knut, Üschi,
Georg, Renate, Jay, Christian, Christine, Peter, Bobi, Laura, Ludwig,
Ursel, Ernst-Johann, Kathy, Richard, Irena, and especially
Gretel. We will miss you all.
John and Marianne