Act a Little - Worry Less

July 20-31, 2024

Dear Family, Friends, and Diary,

In the last dairy, I worried. Today, what's changed? Aging, finish-plan, our room-elephant, and the Republican anti-world world are all still worries, but Mr. Biden's decision and Mrs. Harris' ascension have offered sudden hope. Literally, we are sleeping better.

Politically, we are acting - a little. Marianne has been drafted by a local activist (Democrat) to write 40 letters encouraging voters to get out and exercise their franchise. When composing her note, she emphasized that one vote can matter, especially in local contests. We hope the message gets through.

James MartinezContinuing the theme, we went to a fund raiser for James Martinez, a friend who is running for the Fresno Unified School Board. James is a local with whom I have occasionally crossed paths over our decade in Fresno, first as a Starbucks barista and later as an nearby-neighbor while he finished his education locally at Fresno State and later at USC. Toward the end of 2020, not long after graduation, he was elected as a trustee for the Fresno County Board of Education, breaking ground as the first openly gay man to be elected to public office in Fresno County. We will post a yard sign or two and do whatever else we can to see him reach this goal. We also trust he may have other public service options in case the school board try doesn't succeed. (Probably get in touch with an old boss, from when he was staff for then-Senators Nancy Pelosi and, later, Kamala Harris.)

Meanwhile, back at our normal: Marianne finished up graduation projects for her current art class. The two paintings, from her not-sure-how-big-it-will-be series "Choices", turned out well. I would like my product-photos to do them justice, but you can visit and see them personally. Our home-gallery is always open for visitors.

product shotTaking FlightStaying Grounded

SamSpeaking of pride in family, Gabby sent us pictures of grandson Sam's latest golf tournament win. His score of 38 bested his 13-and-under group as well as that of the 14- and 15-year-old boys. (One of who's dad is a PGA professional!) It's wonderful to see such a genuine smile on his face.

My achievements? Far more humble. A few hours with Eddy, my new trainer, and feeling better already. Since outside temperatures above 110F have stopped any gardening or walking exercise, this is very important. It won't keep me young, just a little less old.

Mental challenges have been limited to reading about genes and cells and doing puzzles. The books, by Siddhartha Mukherjee (The Gene: An Intimate History, and The Song of the Cell) stretch my head, but that's a good thing. Puzzles are just for fun.


Good Lord willing, we will go on a little Western Desert Road Trip in August. How little will depend on ... complications.

Stay tuned,

John and Marianne