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Our Weekend

October. 18, 1998

Here's the second of this weekend's editions. The first story had a theme - Shopping. This one is just a snapshot (or nine) of our weekend.

First, we have actually settled into our apartment. Here's (PICT#1) the gang when we finally had the "closing" ceremony. From left to right, that's Victoria, the #2 Real Estate person; Anna, the landlady; Marianne, with a goofy smile; Sergey, the landlord; Nadia, the main Real Estate Person. Getting us moved in took all these people and more since NOTHING is simple here. Here is the new kitchen (PICT#2) which was the last part finished. Pretty nice, even if it is small. Our bedroom furniture is a nice modern German bed and armoire. (PICT#3) Somehow, we have moved from a full walk-in closet to a single armoire but now our clothes get pressed by being smashed together. We do need more hanging space.

Yesterday, I had my first local haircut (PICT#4). Like our other encounters, it was a challenge. We speak no Russian (or Ukrainian) and they spoke no English. Mostly we laughed and struggled until, near the end of the episode, a young customer came in and she could speak English just in time for us to say "Pretty nice job!". Considering how little hair I have, this should last me for months. We also wandered around shopping and returning our phone. It was broken and we went through a 2 hour process, with the help of Victoria, to get a replacement. At least it got us out in the Fall colors. (PICT#5).

Today, we woke up to a bright Fall day and we decided to be tourists again. First we did chores, like writing a "summary" Diary for people who have said they would like a few pictures. It was just selections from earlier Diaries but it took some time. Meanwhile, Marianne put dinner on to cook (at 8:00am) and did a load of wash. Pretty exciting huh?

By 11:30 we were heading for "Alexander Spuce", a tourist street that runs just next to the Church of St. Alexander. To prove we were tourists, we had three cameras (PICT#6) and we should have both digital bits and bytes and regular old film. It was fun since this was the first time in weeks we were organized enough to have the real cameras out. "The Spuce" as it is called was very busy. (PICT#7) Mostly local tourists but this is also where we hear more English than any other place in town. The vendors generally speak a form of English - some better than others. In addition to a few Christmas gift items, we also found a hat for me. (PICT#8). Is this great or what! The hat is genuine rabbit, cost 50 hryvnas ($15US) and the guy next to me made it with his own hands. (He showed me the scars on his fingers from needles to prove it.) Don't laugh. We're told everybody does in fact wear these things.

At the end of The Spuce, we were in the Podil district. It was peaceful and very pretty in the Fall colors. (PICT#9). We finished the first half of our walk by having breakfast/lunch at Arizona Bar B Que, the other place in town where English is common and the food is just like home. We hit the place every couple weeks just to reassure ourselves that America still exists. Even after a high cholesterol breakfast, we walked home with no regrets because the four hours of walking more than makes up for the calories we had. All in all, it's a good way to diet and exercise.

Now we get ready for our work week, just like everyone else.

Take care all.



















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Originally sent October, 1998. Reformatted for website May 12, 2001

This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.