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Independence Day Bar B Que

July 4

Finished July25?

More pics added 20 August


Friends and Families ,

Yes, we had another July 4th Barbeque and it was a great success, I think. We had invited almost 60 people so this was the biggest party ever. With that many, preparations started a week ahead, including a special order of bratwurst from a local butcher and five dozen rolls from our town bakery. No matter how we think we are well prepared, these things are both fun and worrisome.

First, "where will everyone sit?". Answer: two more beer hall tables. Now we have four and can seat at least 32 to forty. Then what about the heat? (Normally, this is not a problem here in Bavaria, but we had been going through a hot period and I had little interest in standing out in the sun, grilling brats, and me. Solution: a white party tent. Sturdy enough for one use at least.

Then there is the question of food. How much is enough? For sure, 20 kilos (50 pounds) of bratwurst is twice as much as needed. The ten kilos of chicken was hardly touched. I think we had more rolls left over than eaten. Three cases of beer was just about right, however. Guests had brought salads and desserts and the good part was that, if there were leftovers, they went away with the visitors' serving plates .

Of course we "worried" about rain, but not too much. We KNEW it would rain because it always does on these occasions. Sure enough, half way through a huge downpour joined the party, but people just huddled under the tent or in the garage or in the kitchen and waited it out. In fact, it brought a welcome relief from the heat.

We have also adjusted to the reality that, in Germany, parties don't have specific ending time. Our dinner started at 2 pm and the last guests stumbled out at 11. A couple of years ago, we were bothered by such "hanging on", but now I look forward to the slow end to a hectic afternoon.

Here is an assortment of pictures, mostly donated by guests since we were occupied.


So, that's it until next year, although we really should try to have a second BBQ this summer since we have all this gear - and ten kilos of brats in the freezer.

Ready to come over??


John and Marianne



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