Home Diaries Best Pictures Road Trip
Tom and
Webmaster Note: In early March, Marianne's brother and sister-in-law visited. Without their permission, we are including notes we sent back to their folks. We just thought we'd point out that, even in winter (and even pregnant!), visitors can enjoy themselves.
March 10, 2000
Hi Everyone,
This is the Tom and Kate Press Office. Here are the releases of the morning walk here in Kiev, along with a dynamic shot of lunch. The afternoon finished with an inspection of John and Marianne's new digs.
Now, the dynamic duo, is off to dinner.
Webmaster Note: On the next day, we sent this:
Hello Again from the Press Room,
Today our tourists started out with flowers at the market (Picture #1). We passed on the old stuff (Picture #2). Later Tom and Kate and hostess wandered on the streets (Picture #3). Finally, we all ended up at a good French restaurant near here (Picture #4).
A good day. Cold, lots of walking but pleasant.
The Press Officer
Home Diaries Best Pictures Road Trip
Emails originally sent on March 10 and 11, 2000. Reformatted May 20 for the website.
This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.