Home Diaries Travel


Settled in Fresno.  Want to travel, but we'll see.
January 1-15, Start New Year January 16-25, Visit With Sam and Ava
January 26-29, Yosemite
February 5-8, Carson City
February 10-12, Tom and Kate
February 29, Kids Visit Fresno
March 1-15, First Half March: At Home
March 15-22, Cambria, Monterey, Los Gatos
March 23-Apr 8, Normal Fresno
April 13-15, Camera Test Zoo and Roses
April 7-21, Art
April 27-29, Art to Cats to Kings (Canyon)
April 30 - May 5, Luau, Mamo, Yosemite
May 22 - June 9, Graduation and Babysitting
June 1-16, Grandkids in Fresno and Hospital (Sam)
June 18-24, Ashland, Crater Lake, and Bend
June 25 - July 4, Fresno Heat
July 7 - 19, Mamo, Market, Huntington, Neighbors, and Rich & Family
July 22-30, Fresno Miscellaneous, From Art Hop to Wine Tasting
July 27 - August 7, Birthdays
August 7-17, From Neighborhood to Cambria
August 18-24, Sean, Ryan, Suzanne, Geoff
August 27-31, Greek Fest to Wine Tasting Picnic With Mamo
Sept 1-7, Art Hop and Hub, Neighbors, City Shoot
September 8-15, Sickies in Monte Sereno
September 17-21, Monterey and San Juan Bautista
September 26 - 30, Home and Kings Canyon
September 30 - October 2, Livermore
October 6-22 - Marianne's Art and John's Pictures
October 22-30 - Hungarian Fest, and a Cirque
October 30 & 31 - Yosemite Stars November 3-5, San Louis NWR
November 15, Moon Over Yosemite
November 20-24, Thanksgivings November 30 & December 1, Cambria